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Version: 1.2.x

Input Request-Response


The Request-Response-Input Processor provides a two-way Http-Interface. Use this to if you want to provide an external interface which can be invoked by an external system (or it could be itself whichis invoking the interface, e.g. from another workflow.)

This Asset is used within a Workflow definition.


You need:


Name & Description

Name & Description (Input Request-Response)

  • Name : Name of the Asset. Spaces are not allowed in the name.

  • Description : Enter a description.

The Asset Usage box shows how many times this Asset is used and which parts are referencing it. Click to expand and then click to follow, if any.

Output Ports

This Processor can only have one Output Port to send messages on within the Workflow.

Output Ports

A port can have a name and description. A Port Name is mandatory.

You cannot delete the only Output Port.


Assign a Http-Format which you have previously defined. This Input-Asset will process the requests and responses which are defined in that assigned Http-Format. The format will be applied on the incoming data so that it can be accessed via the data dictionary.

Format Assignment (Input Request-Response)


Assign a Http-Source. The Source defines the physical addresses and ports on how this Input Asset can be reached.

Source Assignment (Input Request-Response)

Failure Handling

Processing within an Input Processor like this one can fail. In this section, you can define how the system should behave in case of problems.

Failure Types

One type of failure is observable:

#Failure observables / ReactionIgnoreRetry Event/MessageRetry StreamRollback Stream
1Source failure handling
A problem occurred with the Source of the messsages.

Failure Type Reactions

The following two failure reactions are supported.

Rollback Stream

Rollback the complete stream. In the case of batch/file processing for example the complete file (which represents the stream) will be rolled back and put into error. This is the default behavior.


A rollback signal will be issued to all participating Workflow Processors. Each Processor needs to ensure itself how to deal with a rollback. A Javascript Flow Processor, for example, which directly interacts with a database will have to react to a rollback signal:

Rollback example in Javascript
   function onRollback() {
if (connection) {
try {
} catch (err) {
} finally {
connection = null;
Retry Stream

Don't simply give up. Try to process the whole stream again. This option allows you to define how often and in what intervals the retries should be performed.

Failure Retry Stream Handling

Stream Retry Settings

  • Max. Retries: The number of retries which should be performed. For example "5".
  • Min. Backoff [ms]: Wait at least x milliseconds between each retry. For example "12000" (12 seconds).
  • Max. Backoff [ms]: Wait at max x milliseconds between each retry. For example "150000" (150 seconds).

Based on these parameters, the system will try to balance the defined number of retries within the time boundaries of min. backoff and max. backoff.
Taken the example numbers from above, the five retries would happen in this timespan:

Failure Retry Stream Handling

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