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Version: 2.0.0

Migrating from v1.x to v2.0

The following section lists the main new features introduced with major release 2.0. Some of the new feature require to follow the described steps to ensure environment and processing is working correctly.

Akka to Pekko switch switched from akka to pekko. This in return requires adaptations in the appropriate application.conf files for config-server and reactive-engine(s). Depending on your OS you can locate the application.conf like the following:


Configuration Server

Please perform the following steps to adapt your configuration:

  1. Find application.conf within subfolder config-server
  2. Change config entry akka to pekko
  3. Change config entry akka-persistence-jdbc to pekko-persistence-jdbc
layline {

## BEFORE: akka
## AFTER: pekko

pekko {

persistence {
journal {
plugin = "jdbc-journal"
snapshot-store {
plugin = "jdbc-snapshot-store"


## BEFORE: akka-persistence-jdbc
## AFTER: pekko-persistence-jdbc

pekko-persistence-jdbc {


Reactive Engine(s)

Adapting the reactive engine(s) configuration can become a bit more complex in case your environment deviates from the default installation, e.g. more than one reactive engine has been configured.

Please perform the following steps to adapt your default configuration:

  1. Find application.conf within subfolder reactive-engine
  2. Change config entry akka to pekko
  3. Change config entry akka-persistence-jdbc to pekko-persistence-jdbc
layline {

## BEFORE: akka
## AFTER: pekko

pekko {

persistence {
journal {
plugin = "jdbc-journal"
snapshot-store {
plugin = "jdbc-snapshot-store"


## BEFORE: akka-persistence-jdbc
## AFTER: pekko-persistence-jdbc

pekko-persistence-jdbc {


Any additional configuration entries need to be checked towards the akka keyword and replaced by the pekko keyword.


pekko {
loglevel = ERROR

## BEFORE: "io.layline.common.akka.LoggingEventListener"
## AFTER: "io.layline.common.pekko.LoggingEventListener"

loggers = [

In case of questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Javascript: Nashorn to GraalVM switch

New feature "Debugging"

New fully typed script language "Python"