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Version: 2.0.0

Release Notes



SPA-620 System.Date support in internal message

SPA-622 Throttling for pollable sources

SPA-623 Date value support

SERVER-695 Better DateTime, Date and Time support in JavaScript and Database Services

SERVER-696 Date support in Message

SERVER-697 Throttling for pollable sources

SERVER-699 Support for MinIO S3


SPA-621 FTP connection editor does not always show the connection test result



SPA-619 JDBC service functions should be displayed alphabetical ordered

SERVER-694 JavaScript load function has to avoid duplicated loading of the same script


SERVER-693 Stream shutdown and termination grace period can not be configured



SERVER-685 Service supervision needed


SPA-613 Incorrect asset dependencies

SPA-618 Renaming of source files fails

SERVER-690 JavaScript method stream.getMetadata() returns incorrect value

SERVER-691 Renaming of source files fails

SERVER-692 Calculation of componenents affected by environment changes incomplete



SPA-608 Email support

SPA-610 SMB support

SPA-611 SERVER-681 Clearance system for files to process

SPA-614 Add a create sub folders option to all directory sinks (FTP, SMB and Filesystem)

SERVER-451 Email support

SERVER-675 Move tika parser to a separate plugin since the tika library has some very old dependencies

SERVER-681 Clearance system for files to process

SERVER-682 Switch to Temurin jdk8u352-b08 runtime

SERVER-683 Dynamic sub directory creation for SMB, FTP and Filesystem source


SPA-609 Can not select the root script for a JavaScript processor

SPA-615 Adding or deleting assets externally is not correctly reflected in the UI

SPA-616 Selecting different Workflow in Workflow in workflow diagram jumps to AssetEditor

SPA-617 Monaco Editor hover can lead to error "emitter.reject"

SERVER-678 NFA of regular expression uses too much memory

SERVER-679 Generic format: optional flag was not evaluated correctly for element with null regular expression

SERVER-680 Access coordinator throws exception when owner information contains corrupt data

SERVER-684 S3 session actor fails to resolve connection for child assets

SERVER-686 AWS connection fails if user has no SQS permissions

SERVER-687 Kafka source provides negative offset lags

SERVER-688 Direct deployment switch fails due to missing update order



SPA-599 Validate JSON format for Arguments in Javascript Asset Editor

SPA-603 Pinia session store

SPA-605 Rebuild MainLayout to be tabbed instead of using routes

SPA-606 Switch to direct file tree manipulations

SERVER-206 Message failures should include the message number/id

SERVER-668 Switch the config server's default journal from leveldb to h2

SERVER-669 Remove session ids from the reactive engine's REST interface

SERVER-670 Switch to direct file tree manipulations

SERVER-673 Remove freenet specific settings from docker images


SPA-596 Save button is not always visible

SPA-597 Exceptions when logging out of the config server while there is an active cluster connection

SPA-598 Direct activation of monitoring after a config server logout does not show any data

SPA-601 Deleting child of an Asset in Asset Editor throws error

SPA-604 SPA does not send all formats to configuration server to calculate data dictionary updates

SPA-607 Override parent arguments checkbox does not work

SERVER-551 An invalid mongo db url leads to a permanent actor restart without any backoff

SERVER-650 Types defined in DataDictionaryFormats do not show up in Intellisense

SERVER-671 REST server address contains an additional http:// or https:// if it is configured in the canonical name



SPA-600 Cannot add Processor in Workflow diagram



SPA-595 Logout of config server user leads to exceptions and failures



SPA-13URL handling in monitoring mode

SPA-527 Memorize scroll position in Asset Editors

SPA-534 AWS EventBridge support

SPA-565 Usage of plain source code files

SPA-571 Change scheduler monitoring interface from websocket to http rest

SPA-573 Add Kafka Connection Checker settings to the Kafka Connection

SPA-575 Handling of cluster node role information

SPA-577 Change deployment monitoring interface from websocket to http rest

SPA-581 Remove the monitoring websocket interface

SPA-582 NavigateTo should support locations without an asset uuid (like source files)

SPA-583 Improved NavigateTo support

SPA-586 Pollable source should support a stable time

SPA-590 Improved user storage REST interface

SPA-591 Store file store settings in file system

SPA-593 Make the failure handling more robust

SERVER-140 Improve the error handling for input mapping errors

SERVER-441 Sniffer: Enable to view data from workflow/processor during processing

SERVER-507 Encapsulate Source, Sink, Service and Processor constructor actions in a try-catch block

SERVER-529 Access coordinator shall release acquired files, when the source does not exist anymore

SERVER-598 AWS EventBridge support

SERVER-642 Usage of plain source code files

SERVER-646 JavaScript double conversion for BigInteger and BigDecimal as it is already done for Long

SERVER-651 Add Kafka Connection Checker settings to the Kafka Connection

SERVER-652 Change scheduler monitoring interface from websocket to http rest

SERVER-653 load() feature for JavaScript scripts

SERVER-654 Reactive engine shall provide role information via its rest interface

SERVER-656 Change deployment monitoring interface from websocket to http rest

SERVER-657 Remove the monitoring websocket interface

SERVER-658 Improved NavigateTo support

SERVER-661 Pollable source should support a stable time

SERVER-662 Provide stream metadata information like file size, modification time etc.

SERVER-666 Improved user storage REST interface

SERVER-667 Store file store settings in file system


SPA-501 Workflow Viewer -> Diagram "jumps back" upon refresh of data

SPA-574 When a workflow is delete in the workflow view, it is still available in the deployment workflow selector

SPA-576 The conflicted asset is not passed to the DeploymentAssetEditorLauncher

SPA-578 Encryption selection dialog -> login problem

SPA-579 Unable to delete Asset

SPA-584 Fix reloading of externally changed Project

SPA-585 Creating a new Test, does not set project to modified

SPA-587 Vue reactivity problem on project load

SPA-588 Project not loaded when a parent asset was deleted

SPA-589 Last Asset is not closed properly in both AssetEditor and DeploymentTabEditor

SPA-592 Non-deterministic failures while closing the project

SPA-594 Extraction of server status in Connection.ts leads to an exception

SERVER-157 Direct activation of a deployment from another deployment does not work without DeploymentRoot inbetween

SERVER-491 Direct switch of active deployments does not work

SERVER-616 AkkaStreamExecutor does not handle the termination of its source actor

SERVER-641 Project version is not updated when for instance git branch is changed

SERVER-644 Configuration server logs erroneous plugin initialization message

SERVER-645 Garbage collection in ClusterMonitor fails when a Interface.state can not be determined due do inconsistent events

SERVER-647 Build failure when a deployment references a non-existing environment or secret asset

SERVER-648 JsonAsset in the data dictionary format needs an ordered selector list

SERVER-649 Mapping processor scenarios without mapping steps lead to a null pointer exception

SERVER-659 FTP connection: missing retry when initial connect fails

SERVER-660 Retry necessary, when a service dependency is unavailable

SERVER-663 Can not append to AnyArray from within JavaScript

SERVER-664 Snapshot of registry storage is not JSON serializable

SERVER-665 Reactive engine does not provide the canonical rest server address



SERVER-393 Shelf


SERVER-655 ServiceSourceActor fails to poll the service



SERVER-643 Add loss of precision check for the automatic JavaScript conversion of Long to Double values

SPA-568 GoJS license update

SPA-569 Filter & Routing -> Group Box should have max height


SPA-566 HTTP service editor does not save the data dictionary types

SPA-567 Scheduler overviews can sometimes throw (insignificant) errors if Deployments are deactivated

SPA-570 Cluster Login no longer working.

SPA-572 Operations -> Scheduler -> Sometimes wrongly shows "no active deployment"



SPA-467 Uncaught exception in filter of access coordinator

SPA-464 Prevent continuous polling of clusters that are not selected anymore

SPA-458 Cluster login dialog during deployment does not default to login when enter button is pressed

SPA-455 New assets are not selectable in Workflow -> add from existing asset

SERVER-561 JavaScript: Closing a connection for the second time leads to a NullPointer exception

SERVER-560 Rest server does not handle the AuthenticationFailedException with a 4xx failure

SERVER-559 Generic format does not provide the context information for mapping errors

SERVER-553 Clusternodes in failure state are not show with their correct address in cluster node view (state is used instead)

SERVER-552 Timer input processor fails if more than two instances of the same stream run on the same cluster node

SERVER-544 HTTP service does not allow service functions with an empty path


SPA-469 Store generic format definitions in a version control system friendly manner

SPA-468 Store JavaScripts in a version control system friendly manner

SPA-466 Asynchronous/synchronous service calls from JavaScript

SPA-465 Compatible SPA and Server status classes

SPA-463 Individual slider positions for all tabs in audit view

SPA-462 Live view for log files

SPA-461 Persistent state for all cluster component viewers

SPA-460 Rest interface to get the state of the sniffer directory

SPA-459 Improved display of cluster node failures

SPA-457 Add metrics to Workflow view in Engine-State Viewer

SPA-456 REST interface to get workflow metrics

SPA-454 Bugfixes and improvements in HTTP format configuration

SPA-453 REST interface to get workflow detail information

SPA-452 Generic Workflow Viewer

SPA-427 Consistent HTTP error handling

SERVER-566 Store generic format definitions in a version control system friendly manner

SERVER-565 Store JavaScripts in a version control system friendly manner

SERVER-563 Separated terminal element has to support optional fields at the end of the record

SERVER-562 Improved mapping error messages

SERVER-557 Log status information when node tries to connect to the cluster

SERVER-556 Live view for log files

SERVER-555 Rest interface to get the state of the sniffer directory

SERVER-554 Improved detection of cluster node failures

SERVER-550 Create own leveldbjni-all jar which also includes the for arm7l (32bit raspberry pi)

SERVER-549 Include sample scripts for the linux systemd to the installer

SERVER-548 Installer for AARCH64 needed.

SERVER-547 REST interface to get workflow metrics

SERVER-546 Move HTTP service, source and format into a separate module

SERVER-545 Environment and secret settings have to be expandable from within JavaScript

SERVER-543 Convert DataDictionary class into an interface

SERVER-542 REST interface to get workflow detail information

SERVER-541 Asynchronous invocation of service functions



SPA-549 Clean up StringUtils.ts

SPA-550 Replace Workflow Palette with Toolbar Drop-Down


SPA-551 SPA sometimes fails to read the user specific registry due to a race condition

SPA-553 Display failures in q-table components with more than one row in a slot (Sniffer, LogView)

SERVER-626 MessageInput processor does not send messages to its sniffer session



SPA-315 Sniffer: Enable to view data from workflow/processor during processing

SPA-539 Improve polling behavior of operations view

SPA-540 Service proxy

SPA-545 DataDictionary resource

SPA-547 MessageTreeViewer not performing with large result set

SPA-548 Add an "Execute again" button on the function execution result tab

SERVER-613 Service proxy

SERVER-614 JavaScript processor: array maniplulation methods needed

SERVER-619 DataDictionary resource

SERVER-625 StringUtils class for JavaScript


SPA-536 Missing editor for the System.AnyMap type

SPA-537 Function Editors (MonacoEditor) sometimes do not display script, even though there should be content

SPA-538 Workflow Editor --> Displays wrong workflow with wrong diagram when adding new workflow in AssetEditor

SPA-541 Workflow Editor -> Deleting workflow from within Asset Editor when Workflow was selected in Diagram, does not remove asset view from Workflow Diagram

SPA-542 Data Dictionary base types contain 2x "Byte String", but not "Character"

SPA-543 Null reference exception when adding a processor asset to a workflow after another processor has been deleted

SPA-544 Frame output processor does not indicate its dependency changes

SPA-546 DirectorySourceEditor fails to save the settings correctly

SERVER-617 Kafka lag metric sometimes has negative values

SERVER-618 JSMessageMirror's default value method throws a null pointer exception if the message is not valid anymore

SERVER-620 Message does not support the initialization from JSArrayNodeMirror nodes

SERVER-622 JavaScript message interface does not support setting properties of a Map or AnyMap

SERVER-623 Sniffer does not close sessions, when a configuration is shut down

SERVER-624 In JavaScript the message has to return all numerical values as Integer or Double when using property access



SERVER-356 Metric for input source backlog needed

SERVER-611 Remove old V1 logfile rest interface


SERVER-608 QueueService can not be deployed (null pointer exception) when the "service specific directories" box is not ticked

SERVER-610 Queue service does not shut down

SERVER-612 UDP service does not provide its data dictionary information



SPA-524 Provide sink metrics for the engine state view

SPA-525 Update the Websocket sink to the current version

SPA-528 Asset Editor -> Active tab which is outside of view, should be scrolled into view to show that it is open.

SPA-529 Asset Editor should provide a drop-down selector to switch between open tabs, instead of just relying on the tab bar.

SPA-532 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> Add State Transition types FORWARD_MESSAGE_AND_END_DOWNSTREAM and START_DOWNSTREAM_AND_FORWARD_MESSAGE

SPA-535 ASN.1 format editor should provide a list of available converters

SERVER-595 Provide sink metrics for the engine state view

SERVER-596 Update the Websocket sink to the current version

SERVER-597 StreamBoundaryController cases need a name

SERVER-604 Hex converter needed for ASN.1 grammars

SERVER-605 Support for converter overrides in ASN.1 sequence and choice elements

SERVER-606 Add Ericsson SGSN timestamp converter

SERVER-607 ASN.1 plugin: provide REST interface to get the list of available converters


SPA-523 Mapping-Processor: can not add more than one sub step to a condition

SPA-526 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> Inheritance not working correctly

SPA-531 StreamBoundaryController -> Descendants not stored in the correct way. Causes deployment issues.

SPA-533 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> Forward Message& End Downstream does not require Stream Result in UI

SERVER-593 Lag metric value of the Kafka source actor is incorrect

SERVER-594 Backlog metric of Pollable source actor is incorrect

SERVER-599 Null pointer exception in deployment of stream boundary controller

SERVER-600 StreamBoundary controller should check for "null" transitions during export

SERVER-601 StreamBoundary controller action StartDownstreamAndForwardMessage does not forward the message

SERVER-602 Various StreamBoundaryController bugs

SERVER-603 Flow processor statistic values will not be reset on workflow shutdown



SPA-498 Workflow selection in EngineConfig should be ordered alphabetical

SPA-508 Viewer for service source

SPA-514 Workflow instance view shall display stream name in the rightmost column

SPA-518 Viewer for AWS connection and SNS/SQS sink source

SPA-519 Connections should directly follow Workflows in the engine state view

SPA-522 Generic sink/source metric handling

SERVER-575 Support for ASN.1 TBCD and IA5 string

SERVER-584 ConfigServer should use the name of the base asset instead of null when saving derived assets

SERVER-585 Filter and Routing processor needs message duplication

SERVER-588 JavaScript interface for the status registry

SERVER-590 Add missing runtime detail information to all components

SERVER-592 Generic sink/source metric handling


SPA-502 Mapping processor steps can not be reordered

SPA-503 Asset Mapping Editor --> Sometimes step types are not updated when type is changed

SPA-504 Monaco editor emits its input null value as empty string when mounted

SPA-505 Message creation editor in some cases does not emit its modifications

SPA-507 Adding an emit port to a filter & routing rule leads to an exception

SPA-509 WorkflowEditor -> Cannot add an input processor, if previously a input processor was added and deleted

SPA-510 StreamBoundaryController --> Diagram not showing / cannot change Target State / cannot change stream name

SPA-511 StreamBoundaryController --> Condition equals change type throws error.

SPA-512 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> States are not saved

SPA-513 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> Condition data is not saved.

SPA-515 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> Changing state transition does not change project modified state

SPA-516 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> Error when trying to delete state

SPA-517 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> State transition data is not saved

SPA-521 StreamBoundaryController -> Matching -> State variables not saved / MatchingContext variables not saved

SERVER-583 Mapping processor steps can not be reordered

SERVER-586 Kafka connection details are not registered in Jackson type registry

SERVER-587 ServiceSource does not provide runtime details

SERVER-589 Kafka source does not provide offset and lag information



SPA-45 FTP editor --> Add FTP connection test

SPA-478 AWS SQS input support

SPA-488 Support the declaration of Aerospike service functions

SPA-489 Message accessor input can not handle the array syntax []

SPA-490 Create data type icons for data dictionary elements

SPA-493 Common AWS connection

SPA-496 AWS SNS support

SPA-500 Debugging rest interface to query the state of a workflow instance

SERVER-569 AWS SQS input support

SERVER-570 Inheritance of data dictionary elements should support a type changed in a derived declaration

SERVER-571 Common AWS connection

SERVER-572 Retry option for layctl command

SERVER-573 Support for quoted element parts

SERVER-574 AWS SNS support

SERVER-578 StreamBoundary processor shall report its debug stream state


SPA-391 Inheritable Checkbox shows it is derived, even if it does not have a parent.

SPA-479 Aerospike Service -> Cannot save defined functions

SPA-480 Workflow diagram used in sniffer, may throw error when no link to display data for can be found.

SPA-482 Http error handling throws error itself in case sub-status needs to be be assigned to error.

SPA-483 Cannot delete member in Data Dictionary

SPA-487 Inheritance in DataDictionary component not working. Data Dictionary component does not display type when loaded.

SPA-491 Error "isDeleted of undefined ..." thrown in Aerospike Service Editor upon invoking configured Asset

SPA-492 Warning thrown because "hasError" not defined in AerospikeCollectionsCard.vue

SPA-495 Environment Settings show "Duplicate Property" on save

SPA-497 Various issues when adding a workflow

SPA-499 Workflow links are not visually connected anymore.

SERVER-576 StreamMonitor fails to recover (StreamMonitorEventSourced.kt:246)

SERVER-577 Retry handling does not work correctly (due to the parallel service call changes)

SERVER-579 Stream output processor does not close the output, when the end of the input stream leads to a parsing error

SERVER-580 Shutdown problems when using the FTP sink

SERVER-581 JDBC service fails to execute stream function requests

SERVER-582 Null reference exceptions in commit phase of input service processor



SERVER-567 AWS SQS output support





SERVER-568 Config server fails to export default StreamRetry andEventRetry failure handling asset



SPA-427 Consistent HTTP error handling

SPA-452 Generic Workflow Viewer

SPA-453 REST interface to get workflow detail information

SPA-454 Bugfixes and improvements in HTTP format configuration

SPA-456 REST interface to get workflow metrics

SPA-457 Add metrics to Workflow view in Engine-State Viewer

SPA-459 Improved display of cluster node failures

SPA-460 Rest interface to get the state of the sniffer directory

SPA-461 Persistent state for all cluster component viewers

SPA-462 Live view for log files

SPA-463 Individual slider positions for all tabs in audit view

SPA-465 Compatible SPA and Server status classes

SPA-466 Asynchronous/synchronous service calls from JavaScript

SPA-468 Store JavaScripts in a version control system friendly manner

SPA-469 Store generic format definitions in a version control system friendly manner

SERVER-541 Asynchronous invocation of service functions

SERVER-542 REST interface to get workflow detail information

SERVER-543 Convert DataDictionary class into an interface

SERVER-545 Environment and secret settings have to be expandable from within JavaScript

SERVER-546 Move HTTP service, source and format into a separate module

SERVER-547 REST interface to get workflow metrics

SERVER-548 Installer for AARCH64 needed.

SERVER-549 Include sample scripts for the linux systemd to the installer

SERVER-550 Create own leveldbjni-all jar which also includes the for arm7l (32bit raspberry pi)

SERVER-554 Improved detection of cluster node failures

SERVER-555 Rest interface to get the state of the sniffer directory

SERVER-556 Live view for log files

SERVER-557 Log status information when node tries to connect to the cluster

SERVER-562 Improved mapping error messages

SERVER-563 Separated terminal element has to support optional fields at the end of the record

SERVER-565 Store JavaScripts in a version control system friendly manner

SERVER-566 Store generic format definitions in a version control system friendly manner


SPA-455 New assets are not selectable in Workflow -> add from existing asset

SPA-458 Cluster login dialog during deployment does not default to login when enter button is pressed

SPA-464 Prevent continuous polling of clusters that are not selected anymore

SPA-467 Uncaught exception in filter of access corrdinator

SERVER-544 HTTP service does not allow service functions with an empty path

SERVER-552 Timer input processor fails if more than two instances of the same stream run on the same cluster node

SERVER-553 Clusternodes in failure state are not show with their correct address in cluster node view (state is used instead)

SERVER-559 Generic format does not provide the context information for mapping errors

SERVER-560 Rest server does not handle the AuthenticationFailedException with a 4xx failure

SERVER-561 JavaScript: Closing a connection for the second time leads to a NullPointer exception



SPA-451 Shelf fails to paste messages in the root folder

SPA-450 Timestamp in Status Entry displays is misleading

SPA-449 Inheritance for failure handling does not work

SPA-447 Failure notification should allow string and error as parameter

SPA-444 Project Workflow: Adding new processor to workflow, does not display processor icon

SERVER-540 Activation controller state is reported as "unconnected", when no tag is assigned

SERVER-539 Recovery state of the scheduler master is always reported as FAILURE

SERVER-538 JavaScript Status.Create(...) fails for null arguments with a Java NullPointer exception

SERVER-537 Auditing kind FORMAT does not exist.


SPA-448 Message sniffer

SPA-446 Improve tooltips

SPA-445 Integrate Documentation into Configuration Center

SPA-443 Project Workflow: Palette should only be visible with Workflow open

SERVER-535 Message sniffer



SPA-441 Deployment is not possible (due to changes in 0.9.3)

SPA-440 Exception in Settings view

SPA-437 Can copy processors in Workflow through CTRL-Drag on a processor --> this creates a fake copy of the processor

SPA-436 DataDictionary Editor --> Emptying a field leads to editor crash.

SPA-426 Generic Format Asset --> Sample Messages --> Copy button does not work

SPA-425 Opening an Asset with a script editor (Javascript, Arguments, etc), sets asset to modified

SPA-423 Pollable source metric viewer throws exception when used with a pre 0.9 server


SPA-434 Rename SimpleScript to QuickScript

SPA-433 Use composition API for MonacoEditor component

SPA-432 Mark Quick Script fields with QS-Icon

SPA-431 ASN.1 support

SPA-430 Copy and paste of workflows

SPA-429 Common Copy/Paste behavior in all project tabs

SPA-428 Paste of assets in test tab leads to an exception

SPA-424 Support of runtime failures for sources

SERVER-534 Security storage should be able to import keys from the file system

SERVER-533 Rename SimpleScript to QuickScript

SERVER-531 ASN.1 support

SERVER-530 Enable user authentication in all reactive engine rest controllers

SERVER-528 Pollable source should report runtime failures.

SERVER-527 Move format generic to a separate plugin module



SPA-422 Input UDP Asset: Error "ref is not defined"

SPA-421 SimpleScript Monaco Editor --> context menu layer problem --> see image

SPA-420 Service Input Processor Asset throws errors when creating/opening it in the UI

SPA-419 Input Message Processor Asset throws errors when creating/opening it in the UI

SPA-418 UDP Input Processor Asset throws errors when creating/opening it in the UI

SPA-416 Missing function configuration card in cassandra service editor.

SPA-413 Language server protocol is not working

SPA-363 Editing a value in a sorted environment asset triggers an unsorting and editing in a wrong value field

SPA-322 MessageAccessorInput.vue does not support better name matching anymore.

SPA-321 MessageAccessorInput.vue does not support inheritance


SPA-414 Use SQL syntax highlighting for the JDBC service

SERVER-526 Use new InheritableMessageAccessor component in JDBC service editor

SERVER-43 Intellisense for message accessors

SERVER-42 API for UI to test FTP connections

SERVER-21 Language Server Protocol



SPA-412 Generic asset dependencies for processors and workflows do not work anymore

SERVER-525 Language server protocol is not working


SPA-415 Use JSON syntax highlighting for the cassandra driver arguments

SPA-411 Show startup time in cluster overview

SERVER-524 Show startup time in cluster overview

SERVER-29 Language Protocol Server GenericFormat/HOCON



SPA-405 GoJS version cannot be greater than 2.1.x

SPA-401 LanguageClient error when invoking Monaco Editor

SPA-396 Unable to add new project from unzipped project file

SPA-394 Intellisense menu in MonacoEditor.vue shows with great offset at wrong position

SPA-393 “editorOptions” passed as string and not as reference in JdbcFunctionEditor.vue

SPA-392 Wrong wording “Encrypted Password” of function to substitute macros in passwords in credentials

SPA-384 External asset change dialog pops up when saving new assets

SPA-383 InheritableSecretSelect.vue > props are non optional

SPA-382 Fix “Unknown” Editors to work with generic MonacoEditor

SPA-378 Name of assets in AssetEditor not changing when modified in related editor

SPA-374 Error “Couldn't start client Sample Language Client”

SPA-373 Workflow View -> show error if not all ports connected

SPA-372 Date time picker not functioning properly any more

SPA-371 Narrow input -> Entry is displaced below field

SPA-370 Uncaught exception when a service function without result is called

SPA-367 Editing a value in a sorted secret asset triggers an unsorting and editing in a wrong value field

SPA-366 Sorting in Secrets and Environments —> not saved

SPA-365 Components containing MonacoEditor.vue signal “modified” on mount

SPA-358 Missing model in Workflow.js —> setDependencyForNode

SPA-357 Enable to post-load assets from list of assetUuids

SPA-356 DeploymentTree does not display dependencies in Deployment Storage View

SPA-355 Clusters are not updated in Cluster-drop-down

SPA-33 Fix icons in asset tree view

SERVER-522 Reactive streams dry out for non tree graphs

SERVER-506 Deploy all flag in engine configuration is not evaluated.

SERVER-505 ExclusivePartitionController fails to revoke the partition on failures

SERVER-498 Delete file system notification is not sent for assets deleted by the config server itself

SERVER-489 JDBC service fails to handle non-existing optional parameters

SERVER-488 Activation of a deployment in the deployment storage does not always succeed

SERVER-487 Deletion of workflows from within the workflow view does not work

SERVER-486 Reactive engine fails to activate workflows without flow processors

SERVER-485 Generic format: empty tokens at the end of the stream are reported as failures

SERVER-464 Mapping failures are not handled

SERVER-461 Filesystem source does not evaluate the filter regular expression

SERVER-460 Text.Double and Text.Decimal values are using grouping characters as default

SERVER-260 Export of workflows with unconnected ports is possible

SERVER-71 Bad error message when deploying unconnected ports.


SPA-256 Import/Export assets/messages

SPA-408 Adjust S3 GUI to the available features of the 0.9.0 version

SPA-406 S3 source needs filter, prefix and suffix regular expression configuration

SPA-403 0.9.0 improvements

SPA-400 Use crontab control for all crontab configurations

SPA-399 Security storage

SPA-398 Improvement of StatusTooltip.vue

SPA-397 FTP connection asset

SPA-395 Kafka connection asset

SPA-390 Introduction of Connection asset class

SPA-387 Update of the S3 GUI

SPA-385 Rename “delete project” to “remove project”

SPA-381 GUI for new Time/Count based splitter mode of the StreamBoundary processor

SPA-380 User authentication for the Kafka client

SPA-379 Typescript interface for the persistent state of the SPA

SPA-377 Usage of typescript for further SPA components

SPA-376 Usage of codingame monaco language client

SPA-375 Service test UI

SPA-369 Default output names of input processors contain spaces

SPA-361 Stream input processor needs "rollback on mapping errors" configuration

SPA-359 Configuration server has to monitor the file system for external changes

SPA-350 Export project (or parts) as zip file

SPA-341 UI for the timer based source

SPA-316 Testing configuration in deployments

SPA-255 Import/Export messages/assets

SPA-252 Service-Testing during configuration

SPA-224 Change PortConfigurationCard to normal input fields instead of popup edits

SPA-222 Input UDP Editor

SPA-167 StreamBoundary processor needs a splitting mode based on time and/or messages

SPA-53 Cluster node roles in assets

SPA-25 Project wide renaming of node into processor

SPA-18 FormatJSON Editor

SERVER-520 Update FTP for the usage of subfolders

SERVER-519 Handling of subdirectories and file prefixes/suffices

SERVER-517 0.9.0 improvements

SERVER-514 Try to remove external configuration files (keystores, certificates ...)

SERVER-513 FTP connection asset

SERVER-512 Kafka connection asset

SERVER-511 Introduction of Connection asset class

SERVER-510 Kafka source shall provide the lag as a metric

SERVER-509 Update S3 plugin with features of the newest version

SERVER-504 Remove Kotlin usage from module layline-engine-testkit

SERVER-503 User authentication for the Kafka client

SERVER-501 Service tests require a unique UUID for all service functions.

SERVER-495 Automatic keep-alive Ping support for WebSocket connections

SERVER-493 Convert the config server to Reactive Streams typed

SERVER-492 Remove "SLF4J: The following set of substitute loggers ..." message at startup

SERVER-490 Special handling of UnrecognizedPropertyException when reading assets

SERVER-484 Port format and service controllers/actors to Reactive Streams typed

SERVER-476 Evaluation of cluster node roles before Sink, Source and Service activation

SERVER-475 Evaluation of cluster node roles before workflow activation

SERVER-474 Introduce right to get Private Keys

SERVER-459 Configuration server has to monitor the file system for external changes

SERVER-458 Export project (or parts) as zip file

SERVER-457 Import of zipped projects

SERVER-450 Timer based source

SERVER-444 Testing configuration in deployments

SERVER-442 Service-Testing during configuration

SERVER-233 StreamBoundary processor needs a splitting mode based on time and/or messages

No Release Notes are published prior to 0.9.0.

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Please note, that the creation of the online documentation is Work-In-Progress. It is constantly being updated. should you have questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at .