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Version: 2.0.0

Variable: stream

stream: Stream


stream represents the stream which is being processed at the time. The stream object is available in any script-based Processor, e.g. the Python Processor.

How to use

You can access it directly without the need to instantiate it. It provides a number of functions which can - and sometimes have to - be invoked to control stream processing.

Please check the Stream documentation for more information.


# Get stream information
stream_id = stream.getId()
stream_name = stream.getName()

# Emit a message to an output port
output_port = processor.getOutputPort('MyOutput')
stream.emit(message, output_port)

# Log information
stream.logInfo(f"Processing stream: {stream_name}")
stream.logWarning("Unusual data encountered in stream")
stream.logError("An error occurred during stream processing")

# Get stream metadata
metadata = stream.getMetadata()
file_size = # For a file-based stream

# Set stream properties

# Request retry or rollback
if error_condition:
stream.requestRetry(Status.create(VENDOR, 'TEMPORARY_ERROR'), 30000) # Retry after 30 seconds
if fatal_error:
stream.requestRollback(Status.create(VENDOR, 'FATAL_ERROR'))

# Using stream in lifecycle hooks
def onStreamStart():
global stream_id, file_name
stream_id = stream.getId()
file_name = stream.getName()
stream.logInfo(f"Started processing stream: {file_name}")

def onStreamEnd():
stream.logInfo(f"Finished processing stream: {file_name}")

def onMessage():
# Process the message
# ...
# Emit the processed message
stream.emit(message, output_port)

def onCommit():
stream.logInfo(f"Stream {stream_id} committed successfully")

def onRollback():
stream.logError(f"Stream {stream_id} rolled back due to errors")

Note: The exact methods and properties available on the stream object may vary depending on your specific configuration and the type of stream being processed. Always refer to the most up-to-date documentation provided by for the definitive guide on using the stream object in Python scripts.