Getting started with Workflows
Getting Started
Download, Installation & Start
In case you haven't installed yet, then check here for
- where to download
- how to install, and
- how to start.
Return here after that.
You should now be able to start the three components post install:
- Configuration Server
- Configuration Center
- Reactive Engine
Directory Structure
At this point you should have the following directory structure at your installation location:
# Linux example
└── /usr/
└── local/
└── layline/
├── bin/
│ ├── config-server // --> Configuration Server
│ ├── config-server.vmoptions
│ ├── ConfigServer // --> UI invoked Configuration Server
│ ├── ConfigServer.vmoptions
│ ├── layctl // --> layline Command Line Interface
│ ├── layctl.vmoptions
│ ├── reactive-engine // --> Reactive Engine
│ ├── reactive-engine.vmoptions
│ ├── ReactiveEngine // --> UI invoked Reactive Engine
│ └── ReactiveEngine.vmoptions
├── config/
│ ├── config-server/
│ │ └── application.conf // --> configurattion file for Configuration Server
│ └── reactive-engine/
│ └── application.conf // --> configurattion file for Reactive Engine
├── jre/
│ └── .../
├ ── lib/
│ └── .../
├── licenses/
├── samples/
└── templates/