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Version: 2.0.0

Class: StatusCode


StatusCodes are defined by creating a Status Asset within your Project. Within this Asset you can create one or more Vendors which in turn may have a number of Status entries.

Each of those Status entries has the following structure:

  • ID: A unique number
  • Logical name: A name which uniquely identifies a Status, e.g. FIELD_UNKNOWN
  • Language: One of the supported language codes, e.g. en
  • Message: The actual Status message. The message may contain placeholders, e.g. The field with name %1 is unknown. In this example, the placeholder %1 is filled with the respective value when creating the Status using method Status.create.

A StatusCode represents a single entry in the Status Asset. They are attached to Vendor objects.

How to use

You typically do not create StatusCodes directly. Instead, you access them via the global statusRegistry object. Therein you access the vendors list which includes all defined StatusCodes for the specific vendor.



code: int

This is the number code that you have defined in the "Resource Status Definition Asset". For example, 11 for FIELD_UNKNOWN or 42 for ILLEGAL_VALUE, or whatever you have defined.


# You can access all defined StatusCodes via the global statusRegistry object.
# The following will return a list of all defined StatusCodes for specific vendor:

status_codes_for_vendor_LAY = statusRegistry.vendors[0].statusCodes

# This returns a list of all defined StatusCodes for the vendor with index 0.
# Index 0 is reserved and pre-filled by internal vendor "LAY" (
# You define additional vendors and status codes in the "**Resource Status Definition Asset**".

# To return the code of the first status code for the vendor with index 0:

code = statusRegistry.vendors[0].statusCodes[50].code # Returns `251`


message: str

This is the message that you have defined in the "Resource Status Definition Asset". The message may contain placeholders, e.g. The field with name %1 is unknown.


# You can access all defined StatusCodes via the global statusRegistry object.
# The following will return a list of all defined StatusCodes for specific vendor:

status_codes_for_vendor_LAY = statusRegistry.vendors[0].statusCodes

# This returns a list of all defined StatusCodes for the vendor with index 0.
# Index 0 is reserved and pre-filled by internal vendor "LAY" (
# You define additional vendors and status codes in the "**Resource Status Definition Asset**".

# To return the message of the status code at index 50 for the vendor with index 0:

message = statusRegistry.vendors[0].statusCodes[50].message # Returns `merge conflict at node %1`


vendor: Vendor

This returns the Vendor object which is associated with this StatusCode as defined in the "Resource Status Definition Asset".


# You can access all defined StatusCodes via the global statusRegistry object.
# The following will return a list of all defined StatusCodes for specific vendor:

status_codes_for_vendor_LAY = statusRegistry.vendors[0].statusCodes

# This returns a list of all defined StatusCodes for the vendor with index 0.
# Index 0 is reserved and pre-filled by internal vendor "LAY" (
# You define additional vendors and status codes in the "**Resource Status Definition Asset**".

# To return the vendor of the status code at index 50 for the vendor with index 0:

vendor = statusRegistry.vendors[0].statusCodes[50].vendor # Returns `Vendor` object