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Version: 2.0.0

Class: StatusRegistry


The StatusRegistry class provides methods to access all defined Vendors and Languages for the current Project. You define additional vendors and languages in the "Resource Status Definition Asset".

How to use

The statusRegistry object is created automatically when the Project is started, based on the internal "LAY" vendor instance plus any additional vendors you have defined in the "Resource Status Definition Asset".



languages: List[str]

A list of defined and used ISO 639-1 language codes for the current Project. You can access all defined languages via the global statusRegistry constant.

code = statusRegistry.languages
# Returns a list of defined language codes, e.g. ["en", "de", "fr"]


vendors: List[Vendor]

A list of all defined Vendors for the current Project. You can access all defined Vendors via the global statusRegistry constant. Index 0 is reserved and pre-filled by internal vendor "LAY" ( You define additional vendors in the "Resource Status Definition Asset".

code = statusRegistry.vendors[0]
# Returns a Vendor object



getVendorById(id: int) -> Vendor

Get the vendor instance from the list of defined vendors according to the given ID of the vendor. You must have defined the vendor in a "Resource Status Definition Asset". The number passed in statusRegistry.getVendorById(1) is the ID of the Vendor definition within that Asset. Check documentation for "Resource Status Definition Asset" for more info. You can access all defined Vendors via the global statusRegistry constant.


  • id: int

    The ID of the vendor as defined in the specific "Resource Status Definition Asset".


Vendor - Instance of Vendor


VENDOR_ID = statusRegistry.getVendorById(1)
# Returns the Vendor instance for the Vendor with the ID 1


getVendorByLongName(vendor_long_name: str) -> Vendor

Get the vendor instance from the list of defined vendors according to the given long name of the vendor. You must have defined the vendor in a "Resource Status Definition Asset". The string passed in statusRegistry.getVendorByLongName('myVendorLongName') is the long name of the Vendor definition within that Asset. Check documentation for "Resource Status Definition Asset" for more info. You can access all defined Vendors via the global statusRegistry constant.


  • vendor_long_name: str

    The long name of the vendor as defined in the specific "Resource Status Definition Asset".


Vendor - Instance of Vendor


VENDOR = statusRegistry.getVendorByLongName('MyVendorLongName')
# Returns the Vendor instance for the Vendor with the long name 'MyVendorLongName'


getVendorByShortName(vendor_short_name: str) -> Vendor

Get the vendor instance from the list of defined vendors according to the given short name of the vendor. You must have defined the vendor in a "Resource Status Definition Asset". The string passed in statusRegistry.getVendorByShortName('myVendorShortName') is the short name of the Vendor definition within that Asset. Check documentation for "Resource Status Definition Asset" for more info. You can access all defined Vendors via the global statusRegistry constant.


  • vendor_short_name: str

    The short name of the vendor as defined in the specific "Resource Status Definition Asset".


Vendor - Instance of Vendor


VENDOR = statusRegistry.getVendorByShortName('MyVendorShortName')
# Returns the Vendor instance for the Vendor with the short name 'MyVendorShortName'